‘Do you want to unpublish your page while you clean things up?’, lød det fra Facebook, da billedet her ramte radio24syvs Facebookside.
Anledningen til kravet om ‘rengøring’ af siden var et billede af kunstfotografen Sofie Amalie Klougart.
Men hvordan finder Facebook egentlig ud af, at der er et billede, der ikke overholder deres retningslinier? Well. Det gør de heller ikke. Det har de folk til. Folk fra den 3de verden, der lever af at finde, slette og indrapportere billeder, der overtræder sitets retningsliniter. Det er meget dårligt betalt. 1 dollar i timen, skrev GAWKER i denne artikel: http://gawker.com/5885714/inside-facebooks-outsourced-anti+porn-and-gore-brigade-where-camel-toes-are-more-offensive-than-crushed-heads
En tidligere ansat var så vred over forholdene at han udleverede data om, hvordan Facebook egentligt censurerer. Herunder kan du se den officielle liste:
Fra artiklen: ‘ Derkaoui found his job through the California-based outsourcing firm oDesk, which provides content moderation services to both Google and Facebook. After acing a written test and an interview, he was invited to join an oDesk team of about 50 people from all over the third world—Turkey, the Philippines, Mexico, India—working to moderate Facebook content. They work from home in 4-hour shifts and earn $1 per hour plus commissions (which, according to the job listing, should add up to a “target” rate of around $4 per hour).
The job posting made no mention of Facebook, and Derkaoui said his managers at oDesk never explicitly said that it was the client. Facebook is secretive about how it moderates content; the company is hesitant to bring attention to the torrent of horrible content it’s trying to control. Other former moderators I spoke to mentioned that they had signed strict non-disclosure agreements with oDesk. One even refused to talk to me because she believed I was a disguised Facebook employee trying to test her.
However, a Facebook spokesman confirmed they were oDesk’s client. “In an effort to quickly and efficiently process the millions of reports we receive every day, we have found it helpful to contract third parties to provide precursory classification of a small proportion of reported content,” he said in a statement. “These contractors are subject to rigorous quality controls and we have implemented several layers of safeguards to protect the data of those using our service.”
Men tilbage til det slettede billede fra radio24syv:
Sofie Amalie Klougart har lavet en række intime portrætter af sin kæreste og en fotoserie med swingere – og billedet herover var altså for skrap kost for facebook – men ikke for aflyttet.dk….
Du kan høre programmet, hvor hun taler med instruktøren Boris Bertram, her: http://arkiv.radio24syv.dk/video/8725573/mikrofonholder-uge-39-2013
Boris Bertram har i øvrigt tidligere deltaget i ‘Aflyttet’, hvor han fortalte om sin film, ‘Krigskampagnen’ – om efterretningstjenesternes arbejde og manipulationer op til krigen imod Irak. Hør ham her: