VIDEO: NSA/GCHQ overvåger teleingeniører i tysk satellitfirma


Speigel og The Intercept har via lækkede dokumenter fra Edward Snowden afsløret at NSA og engelske GCHQ overvåger ansatte i tyske satellitfirmaer.
‘Treasure Map is a vast NSA campaign to map the global internet. The program doesn’t just seek to chart data flows in large traffic channels, such as telecommunications cables. Rather, it seeks to identify and locate every single device that is connected to the internet somewhere in the world—every smartphone, tablet, and computer—”anywhere, all the time,” according to NSA documents. Its internal logo depicts a skull superimposed onto a compass, the eyeholes glowing demonic red.’
I videoen der er linket til foroven, kan man se to tyske ingeniøres reaktioner på informationerne – kunne det samme ske i DK?